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Topic Vocabulary:How to Be More Creative - 4 Easy Ways

Updated: Jul 21, 2024

1. Train Your Brain to Be More Creative - 4 Easy Ways

What does creativity mean to you?

Are you creative? Or not?

Topic Vocabulary - Creativity
Read in English on topics you already know

Let's read on & find out...

Learning Tip!

Reading is an important part of learning Spoken English as a foreign language.

For example, you may already know the topic (e.g. Creativity) well in your native language but you don't have enough English words that you know yet.

You already have the connection with the topic. You just need the English words to express yourself.


By reading more food, lifestyle or news topics etc. reading comprehension will be easier for you. Your use of English Grammar will improve too.

Enjoy learning English that you can use now.

infographic - 4 easy ways to stay creative
Topic Vocabulary - Creativity

2. Creativity - Topic Vocabulary List & Word Meaning

Word / Part of Speech / Meaning

1. innate (adjective)= quality/ability you were born with

2. strategy (noun) = plan of action to succeed

3. stimulate (verb) = to alert, energise

4. switch up (phrasal verb)

= to change to something better

5. stuck in a rut (idiom)

= need to change, been doing same old boring thing for too long

6. keep on its toes (adjective)

= continue to be energetic and aware

7. oftentimes (adverb) = on many occasions

​8. crack a joke (idiom)= tell a joke

9. open up (phrasal verb)= start to talk more about your feelings/yourself

Are you creative or not?
Topic Vocabulary - Creativity

Vocabulary Check!

Meaning:creative (adjective)

-using unusual, original ideas e.g. artist/designer


Did you know that you can actually train your brain to be more creative?

Oftentimes, people think that creativity is some mystical, innate skill, and you either have it, or you don’t.

Pick up a new hobby.
Try something new.

But research has shown that there are some strategies you can use to stimulate creativity in your everyday life.

You can benefit from new ways of thinking and problem solving.

Try out the following 4 strategies to help you be and stay creative:

Strategy 1 - Switch up your regular routine

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut of doing things the same way every day.

But the more you stimulate your brain with the new and unusual, the more flexible and creative your brain gets.

Read new books.
Switch up your routine.

Keep your creative mind on its toes by:

i. reading new books,

ii. trying different foods and places to eat, iii. or even taking different routes when going for walks.

UK/US Spelling Difference

*neighbourhood- (UK spelling)

neighborhood - (US spelling)

Switching up your usual routines will stimulate your mind. You'll be thinking of new ways of seeing and doing things.

Strategy 2 - Relax the rules

We spend much of our life restricted by rules of how we think we should behave.

e.g. How much water should we drink in a day? Or is it ok to be talking in the lift and laugh loudly in public?

Try breaking some of the rules today. Smile and say hi to the waiter or the bus driver.

Crack a joke in that silent *lift.

A man pressing the lift button.
Say hello to the person in the lift.

Open up a bit and make room for creativity in your life.

Vocabulary Check!

(UK vs US Difference)

UK - *lift

US - elevator

Strategy 3 - Look around you

Relax and be in the present. Observe what’s going on around you.

This is a great way to let your mind relax. Work your way through each of your

senses and really notice the environment you're in.

Really notice everything around you.

The colours and textures are all around you.
Really take notice of your surroundings.

What do you see, hear, smell and feel or even taste?

Write down your thoughts and feelings.

Let your creativity grow.

Try doing these things for a change:

1. Don't just walk. Look up and around you when walking to the subway station or the shops.

2. Most people are walking and staring into their phones. Or just staring into the distance.

3. Notice the trees around you as you go for your morning walk. Listen to sounds of birds in the park.

4. Take in the fresh morning air and see the colours and textures around you.

Strategy 4 - Really talk to people

Do you spend much of your time talking or being talked to? Step back a little and really engage with other people.

Two women are having a conversation.
Practise active listening.

Don’t just talk or think of what you’re going to say next. Practice active listening and give the other person time & space to speak.

Real conversation can open up many new possibilities and creative solutions you might never have thought of.

Vocabulary Check!

What are Phrasal Verbs? How to Use Them?

- open up

- switch it up

- look up


Let's review the topic vocabulary you've learnt. Fill in the blanks.

Creativity - Topic Vocabulary Word List

Word / Parts of Speech / Meaning

a) i_ _ _ _ _ skill = quality/ability you were born with

b) _ _ _ _ tegy (noun) = plan of action to succeed

c) stim_ _ _ _ _ creativity (verb) = to alert, energise

d) _ _ _ _ _ _ up (phrasal verb) = to change to something better

e) stuck _ _ a _ _ _ (idiom) = need to change, been doing same oldboring

f) keep _ _ its t_ _ _ (adjective) = continue to be energetic and aware

g) often_ _ _ _ _ (adverb) = on many occasions

h) _ _ _ _ _ a joke (idiom) = tell a joke

i) _ _ _ _ up (phrasal verb) = start to talk more about your feelings/yourself

How to Take Your Learning Further

1. Make your own sentences with the new phrases you've learnt. As many as you can.

2. You may want to look up the different types of phrasal verbs too.

Need to review your Tenses?

Thanks so much for reading & Happy Learning!

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