1. 3 Reasons Why You Should Learn Topic Vocabulary Through Reading
i. Keep your spoken English fresh with trending lifestyle topics e.g. Mindfulness.
ii. Improve your reading skills and expand your vocabulary.
iii. Review your spoken grammar in context (use the sentences as you read as grammar practice)
2. How to Use the This Article to Practise and Improve Your Reading:
1. Read through the text first.
2. Skip any new words you don't know.
3. Have a feel of what the topic is about.
4. Go through the vocabulary list for the meaning of the word in context.
5. Finally, read again without looking at the Vocabulary List.
Grammar Point!
Above you can see example sentences of the Imperative Form:
i. Imperatives for Advice
ii. Imperatives for Instruction
3. English Reading - Mindfulness During The Festive Season

A. The holidays can be a stressful time for anyone. Even more so when you are:
- hosting a holiday party,
- having family stay with you,
- on a tight budget, or
- have a lot of responsibilities.
Vocabulary Check!
- Words / Parts of Speech / Meaning
1. Mindful (adjective), Mindfulness (noun)
= to be aware of your feelings, mind at the present moment
2. tight (adjective) = not enough
3. budget (noun) = amount of money you have for spending
English Learning TIP!
-When learning a new word take note of the Parts of Speech as well.
e.g. 1. mindful (adjective) 2. mindfulness (noun)
B. All the above stress can take away the joy of the holiday season, no matter which holiday your family celebrates.
But with mindfulness, you can learn how you can avoid unnecessary stress and live in the moment.
Appreciate every moment you have during the holidays.
Learn to enjoy yourself again.

C. What is Mindfulness?
It sounds complicated, but it isn’t.
To be mindful is to focus on the present moment you are in.
No judgment, regret, or guilt, and to accept what is.
Stay mindful during the festive season and for the rest of the year.
This will help you become more grateful and free from stress.
Vocabulary Check!
- Words / Parts of Speech / Meaning
4. complicated (adjective) = difficult to understand
5. judgement (noun)= decision or opinion about something
6. regret (noun) = feeling sad about a past action, wishing something could be different
7. guilt (noun) (c) = feeling of having done something wrong
8. accept (verb) = agree to take something
Grammar Point!
- nouns can countable or uncountable
*(c) countable (u) uncountable
D. Why Mindfulness During the Holidays Can Be Difficult
Mindfulness all year round is a wonderful practice. Many of us can enjoy this.
But during the holidays, there are even more ways it can help you.
- Why the Holidays Can Be Such a Challenge
Why are holidays so stressful? This is a joyous time to spend with your family,

So you want it to be a happy occasion for your family and loved ones.
Something they can look forward to where everyone can celebrate and have a wonderful time.
And you want to create memories that your loved ones can cherish in the coming years.
So you try to make everything perfect, losing yourself along the way.
By understanding what's stressing you can help you stay mindful during this beautiful time of the year.
Vocabulary Check!
Words / Parts of Speech / Meaning
9. look forward to (phrasal verb)
= happy and excited about something that's going to happen
10. cherish (verb)
= to keep the memories because they are important to you and it makes you happy
E. There is a lot to do . And often with very little time.

You have other responsibilities. Plus the many things you have to juggle during the holidays.
Money issues – Many people struggle to pay for holiday expenses. Decorations, gifts, parties, travelling etc, cost money.
F. Your expectations are different from reality
You work hard to make everything perfect. This is where mindfulness will come in handy.
Vocabulary Check!
- Words / Parts of Speech / Meaning
11. juggle (verb)
= doing more than 2 activities at the same time because you are short of time
12. issue (noun) = problem
13. come in handy (phrase) = useful for a certain purpose
G. Ways Mindfulness Can Help You
Being more mindful during the festive period helps you with this and more.
- You focus on the present.
- Put all expectations aside and enjoy the moments spent with family and close friends.
H. You learn to accept the moment.
Every moment you live is a gift.

Sure, it might not always be what you expect, but during the holidays, it isn’t about being perfect.
It's about having more gratitude for what you have in your life.
Vocabulary Check!
- Words / Parts of Speech / Meaning
14. gratitude (noun) = thankful, appreciative
I. Treasure your memories
Vocabulary Check!
- Words / Parts of Speech / Meaning
15. treasure (verb) = care for something because it's valuable
Ask yourself.
Do you want to remember the holidays as a time you spent with your loved ones?
Or as a super busy time of the year for you?
The choice is yours.
4. It's Your Turn to Practise
What about you?
Do you get busy during the busy holiday season? How do you stay cool?
Vocabulary Check!
- Words / Part of Speech / Meaning
16. cool (adjective) = calm, not angry
i) Health & Wellness Vocabulary List - Mindfulness for the Holidays
1. Mindful, mindfulness
= to be aware of your feelings, mind at the present moment.
2. tight (adj) = not enough
3. budget (n.) = amount of money you have for spending
4. complicated (adj) = difficult to understand
5. judgement (n) = decision or opinion about something
6. regret (n)
= feeling sad about a past action, wishing something could be different
7. guilt (n.) = feeling of having done something wrong
8. accept (v) = agree to take something
9. look forward to (phrasal verb)
= happy and excited about something that's going to happen
10. cherish (v)
= to keep the memories because they are important to you & it makes you happy
11. juggle (v)
= doing more than 2 things at the same time because you are short of time
12. issue (n) = problem
13. come in handy (phrase) = useful for a certain purpose
14. gratitude (noun) = thankful, appreciative
15. treasure (verb) = care for something because it's valuable
16. cool (adjective) = calm, not angry
ii) Let's review Vocabulary!
Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
come in handy
look forward to
1. The boys are ............... ............ ........ the trip to the zoo tomorrow.
2. Knowing a foreign language might .............. ............ ......... for travel.
3. Sara has to ........... between her family and working life.
4. This product has many safety .............
5. I wished I had studied harder as a student. I ............... that now.
6. English Grammar can be quite ......................
7. Lily can't go drinking with us. This month she has a ............ budget.
What is the word ...?
8. to be thankful, appreciative = ................... (noun)
9. calm, not angry = ............. (adjective)
10. feeling of having done something wrong = ................
We hope you've enjoyed reading and learning some new words related to Health & Wellness topic vocabulary. You can practise to use these phrases in your English conversations.
Thanks for reading & Happy Speaking!
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