1. How you can improve your English reading skills, review your grammar and learn vocabulary for health and beauty.
1. Read quickly through all the text first. Do not worry about the new vocabulary. Try to get a general feel of what this topic is all about.
2. Now, carefully go through the vocabulary list.
Take note of the meaning of the words in context.
3. Finally, read the text again.
This time read without looking at the vocabulary list.
You are reading and learning words and grammar that you can use in your Everyday Spoken English.
Grammar Point!
Look at the above steps on how you can use this article to review the Imperative Form.
2. Health & Beauty Vocabulary:Tips for Healthy Feet
20 Word List You Can Use
Words /Parts of Speech / Word Group / Meaning
1. open-toed (adj) = for footwear that doesn't cover toes
2. key (adj) = very important
3. neglected (adj) = not enough care given
4. abused (adj) = treat in a bad way
5. exposure (n) = attention
6. corns (n) = painful skin area on toes
7. bunions (n) = swelling on the joint of the big toe
8. blisters (n)
= painful swelling with liquid on the foot caused by rubbing (e.g. new shoes)
9. over the counter (idiom)
= medicine you can buy the pharmacy without doctor's consultation
10. ointment (n)
= thick substance (usually with medicine) to apply on skin to treat it
11. antiseptic (n) = a chemical to prevent infection
12. podiatrist (n) = job is to treat problems/ diseases of person's feet
13. exfoliate (v) = to remove dead skin cells from skin
14. pumice stone (n) = a light stone that you rub on foot skin to smoothen skin
15. file (v) (n) = a flat and thin tool to shape or smoothen nails
16. get rid of something (Idiom) = remove something you do not want
17. touch up (phrasal verb) = make small changes to improve it
18. flip-flops (n)= a type of open shoe with V-shaped straps, usually made of rubber
19. apply (v) = to put on
20. reapply (v) = to put again
1. Reading Practice
You pay a lot of attention to getting your feet ready to wear open-toed shoes in the summer; but your feet should be ready to go at any time of the year.
Your feet are key to your mobility but yet, they are often neglected and abused.
Here are just a few basic foot care tips that will help keep your feet presentable for year round exposure.
Grammar Point!
We use (modal verb) 'should' for suggestions & advice
Imagine taking your shoes off and showing rough cracked heels, corns, bunions and blisters.
Our feet carry us many miles on a daily basis and they deserve special treatment after a long day.
Vocabulary Check!
-basis (n) = method
e.g. monthly basis, weekly basis, etc.
Here are some basic tips to get your feet ready for all-year exposure and not just for spring or summer sandals.
1) Blisters, corns and bunions,
According to the APMA wearing proper footwear can help prevent these 3 foot ailments.
The American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) suggest using over the counter creams and exfoliating products on corns.
Blisters shouldn't be broken, but wash with soap and water if they are.
Apply an antiseptic ointment and cover up to prevent infection.
Bunions can be eased by wearing shoes with a wide toe box and consulting your podiatrist.
If you have diabetes do consult your medical doctor or podiatrist to get the best advice to care for your feet.
2) Keep your feet clean by washing and drying well between your toes.
Bacteria and fungi thrives well in moist conditions.
Always give your shoes time to air out and dry between wearings. Using a little foot powder can help to keep your feet dry.
If you give yourself a home pedicure, try 1 cup of Epsom Salt or sea salt to 2 gallons of water in a foot tub.
Soak your feet in it for about 10 minutes.
This is great for softening skin, removing odour and soothing tired sore feet.
3) Use exfoliating products to prevent or remove hard skin from your feet.
There are many types of foot exfoliating treatments, pumice stones and files on the market to choose from.
While you're in the bath tub scrub your feet and heels with your favorite body scrub to keep them soft and smooth.
4) For your in-home pedicure, wash your tools with an antibacterial soap.
This is to get rid of any bacteria that may form before using again.
Sometimes nail polish will crack or peel before your next pedicure.
Use your own nail colour to touch up a toe or two in between visits.
5. If you have very dry skin use an extra moisturising lotion or cream on your feet.
Apply after a bath or shower and then wear socks.
This will make them extra smooth and moisturised in the morning, ready for those open-toed sandals.
6) When wearing open-toed sandals, flip-flops or going barefoot at the beach, apply sunscreen on the top of your feet.
Don't forget to reapply after coming out of the water.
7) Treat your feet to a massage, in-home or at a professional salon.
Our feet carry us many miles on a daily basis. They deserve special treatment.
Remember, your feet can look great all year round with a little care and proper footwear.
Your feet are key to your mobility and taking care of your feet today will prevent future problems.
Grammar Point!
i. Modal verb: can, cannot, could to talk about ability - past, present & future
ii. will - to talk about the future
We hope you've enjoyed learning some new words for Health & Beauty Vocabulary - Tips for Healthy feet. Grab the chance to use these new words in your English conversation soon.
Thanks for reading & Happy Speaking!
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