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The Enchanted Garden - A Modern Fairy Tale For English Learners

Updated: Aug 11

Why You Should Add Fairy Tales to Your EFL Routine

Fairy tales captivate readers with their enchanting plots and characters.

This is crucial for language learners as it keeps you motivated and interested.

A dark force in the enchanted garden
the Enchanted Garden

When you're really into a story, you tend to pick up new words and grammar without even noticing.

Enhance your vocabulary, comprehension, and love for storytelling with this captivating story.

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This modern fairy tale is perfect for adult English learners looking to improve their English while enjoying a heartwarming tale.

The Enchanted Garden - A Modern Fairy Tale For English Learners

Once upon a time, in a bustling city, there was a hidden garden known only to those who truly believed in magic.

An enchanted garden in the city.
the enchanted garden

This garden was said to be enchanted, filled with flowers that sang, trees that whispered secrets, and streams that sparkled with the colours of the rainbow.

In this city lived two friends, Emily and Lily. They had been inseparable since childhood, sharing everything from toys to dreams.

Two friends -one is a gardener, the other an artist.
Emily and Lily are best friends

Emily was a talented artist, always with a sketchbook in hand,

while Lily was a passionate gardener, her fingers always covered in soil.

A small gap in the enchanted garden wall
A small gap in the garden wall

One summer evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Emily and Lily stumbled upon an old, crumbling wall covered in ivy.

Through a small gap in the wall, they glimpsed a burst of colour and heard the faint sound of laughter.

Curious, they pushed through the ivy and found themselves in the Enchanted Garden.

The garden was more beautiful than they had ever imagined. Flowers with petals of gold and silver swayed in the breeze, and tiny fairies flitted from blossom to blossom.

A majestic tree in the enchanted garden.
a majestic tree

In the centre of the garden stood a majestic tree with branches that stretched up to the sky, its leaves shimmering with an otherworldly light.

The friends explored the garden, marvelling at its wonders.

As they wandered, they met a wise old gnome named Thorn, the guardian of the garden.

A gnome talking to children.
The guardian

Thorn told them that the garden's magic was sustained by the bonds of true friendship and loyalty.

"However," Thorn warned, "the garden is under threat. A dark force seeks to drain its magic and sow discord among friends.

Only those with the purest hearts and strongest bonds can protect it."

Emily and Lily vowed to help. They spent every free moment in the garden, strengthening their friendship and learning its secrets.

They discovered that the garden's magic was linked to their shared memories and the love they had for each other.

One day, the dark force made its move.

A sinister shadow in the enchanted garden.
the dark force

A sinister shadow crept into the garden, turning the vibrant flowers to ash and silencing the joyful songs.

Thorn, weakened by the shadow's power, urged Emily and Lily to use their bond to save the garden.

The friends clasped hands and closed their eyes, focusing on their happiest memories together.

Two girls clasping hands to fight evil.
Emily and Lily using their bond

As they did, a warm glow emanated from their hearts, spreading through the garden.

The flowers began to regain their colour, and the air filled with music once more.

The shadow, unable to withstand the strength of their friendship, dissolved into nothingness.

The garden was saved, and Thorn, now restored, thanked Emily and Lily for their bravery and loyalty.

From that day on, the Enchanted Garden flourished, its magic stronger than ever. Emily and Lily continued to visit, their friendship growing deeper with each visit.

A cottage in an enchanted garden
A symbol of true friendship and loyalty

They knew that as long as they remained loyal to each other, the garden would always be a place of wonder and beauty.

And so, the Enchanted Garden became a symbol of true friendship and loyalty, a magical haven in the heart of the city, where dreams and memories intertwined.

Vocabulary List with Meanings & Explanation

a) inseparable =unable to be separated; very close.

b) enchanted = filled with magical properties.

c) majestic = having grandeur or beauty.

d) guardian = a protector or keeper.

e) discord = disagreement or conflict.

f) sustain = to support or maintain.

g) sinister = giving the impression of harm or evil.

h) vow = to make a serious promise.

i) marvel = to be filled with wonder or astonishment.

j) haven = a place of safety or refuge.

Questions to Check Understanding

(i) What was the special quality of the Enchanted Garden?

(ii) How did Emily and Lily discover the Enchanted Garden?

(iii) Who was Thorn, and what was his role in the story?

(iv) What was the dark force that threatened the garden?

(v) How did Emily and Lily save the Enchanted Garden?

(vi) Why was the bond between Emily and Lily important to the garden’s magic?

(vii) What did the garden symbolise at the end of the story?

Thank you for reading & Happy Learning!

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