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Present Continuous(Passive Form): How to Use + Example Sentences

Updated: Feb 7

1. What is the Present Continuous tense (Passive Form) ?

- Present Continuous Passive form: ('be' + being + past participle + by)

e.g. >> am being told, is being made, are being taken, etc.

2. When to use the Present Continuous (Passive form) - Example Situation

i) We use the Passive form to focus on the result of an action and (not the person/thing doing the action),

Man cooking in a bright kitchen, stirring a pan with steam. Table has vegetables, eggs, meat, and bread. Calm morning atmosphere.
husband is making dinner

e.g. Dinner is being made by my husband.

ii) We do not know who did the action,

Example: The air conditioning is being fixed at the moment.

iii) we do not need to or not necessary to mention the person doing the action,

Example: The children are being put to bed.

Below is a short story using the Present Continuous (Passive Form). Look out for examples of this tense and see how many you can spot.

3. The Art Exhibition

The annual art exhibition is happening at the local gallery. Everyone is excited because the works of many talented artists are being displayed.

As the doors open, the gallery is being filled with people eager to see the artwork. A guide at the entrance says, "Please note that the final touches are being added to some of the paintings, so certain areas are being temporarily closed."

Inside, a group of artists is being interviewed by a local news channel. The reporter asks, "How does it feel to have your work being admired by so many people?"

In the next room, a large sculpture is being carefully positioned in the centre.

a sculpture is being moved

"This sculpture is being moved here from another gallery," says the curator. "We want to make sure it is being placed perfectly under the lights."

As the event progresses, an art workshop is being conducted in one corner of the gallery. Participants' techniques are being observed by an instructor who provides feedback.

At the end of the day, the gallery director announces, "I hope you enjoyed the exhibition. Right now, the final preparations are being made for tomorrow’s exclusive viewing."

The visitors leave, impressed by what was being done to showcase such wonderful art.

Examples of the Present Continuous (Passive Form)

are being displayed

is being filled

are being added

are being (temporarily) closed

is being interviewed

is being (carefully) positioned

is being moved

is being placed 

is being conducted 

are being observed 

are being made 

Grammar Check!

We use the Present Continuous tense for actions in progress.

4. What's the difference between Present Continuous & Present Continuous (Passive) - Example Sentence

Cookies are being made by Mel and her mum.
Passive Form (Present Continuous) - is am, are + being + past participle +(by)

i) Present Continuous (active)

- Form: ('be' + verb-ing)

e.g. Mel is making cookies.

(Subject) (object)

ii) Passive Present Continuous

- Form: ('be' + being + past participle + by)

e.g. Cookies are being made by Mel.

| |

(subject) (object)

Grammar Point!

- The meaning of both active & passive sentences are the same.

- Passive form is common in news articles and academic writing.

5. How do we use the Present Continuous (Passive form)? - Example Sentence

1. Dinner is being prepared by the chef.

2. This book is being used for the course.

3. That building is being decorated for the festive season.

4. Desserts are being served at the moment.

5. Apartments are being built in the new town.

6. How to form the Present Continuous (Passive) - Example Sentence

- Form > (is, am, are + being + Past Participle + [by] )

e.g. help > helped

i) Present Continuous Passive Form - (Positive) + short form

- I am (I'm) + being + helped + (by)

- you / we / they are ('re) + being + helped + (by)

- he/ she / it is ('s) + being + helped + (by)

ii) Present Continuous Passive - (Negative) + short form

- I am not ('m not) being + helped + (by)

- you / we / they are not ('re not / aren't) being + helped + (by)

- he/ she / it is not ('s not / isn't) being + helped + (by)

iii) Present Continuous Passive - Yes/No Question

- Am I being + helped + (by)...?

- Are you / we / they being + helped + (by)...?

- Is he/ she / it being + helped + (by)...?

iv) Short answers (positive)

- Yes, I am.

- Yes, you / we / they are.

- Yes, he/ she / it is.

v) Short answers (negative) + short form.

- No, I am not ('m not).

- No, you / we / they are not ('re not / aren't).

- No, he/ she / it is not ('s not / isn't).

Grammar Point!

i) Regular verbs


Present Past Past Participle

- allow > allowed > allowed

- clean > cleaned > cleaned

ii) Irregular verbs


Present Past Past Participle

buy > bought > bought steal > stole > stolen

For more on Past Participle regular / irregular verbs:

Go to >> What is Past Participle? Uses + Example Sentences

7. Let's recap! the Present Continuous (Passive)

​i. We use the Passive Form when:

i) our focus is result of the action (Note: we use 'by" + 'person' who did the


ii) we do not know who did the action

iii) we do not need to mention who / not necessary

ii. Uses of the Passive form - More Example Sentences

Situation 1 - Use Passive Form:

- We want to focus on the result - not the person who did the action.

Some bystanders aren't being interviewed by reporters.
Passive Present Continuous

Present Continuous (Passive)

> (is, am are + being+ Past Participle + [by])

e.g. An *eyewitness is being questioned by the police.

- question > questioned

Vocabulary Check!

- *the person who saw something happened e.g. crime etc.

Compare: Present Continuous (active)

-e.g. The police are questioning an eyewitness.

Situation 2 - Use Passive Form:

- We do not know who caused the action

- clear > cleared

e.g. The rubbish is being cleared from the site.

Compare: Present Continuous (active)

- Someone is clearing the rubbish from the site.

Situation 3 - Use Passive Form:

- We do not need to mention the person or thing causing the action (not necessary)

- tell > told

e.g. Students are being told about some changes to the school rules.

(*not necessary to say 'by the principal)

Compare > Present Continuous (active)

- The principal is telling the students about some changes to the school rules.

iii) Present Continuous (Passive) - Example Sentence

1. Tables are being delivered to the new office. (passive)

> They are delivering tables to the new office. (active)

2. The room is being vacuumed. (passive)

> The housekeeper is vacuuming the room.(active)

​3. What is being done about the problem? (passive)

> What are they doing about the problem? (active)

Grammar Learning Tip!

- We use the Passive Form quite a lot in real life as we may want to focus on different things or which fact is more important - the person or the action.

- Or it's not necessary to mention the person doing the action.

iv) Present Continuous (Passive) - How to Use + More Example Sentence

Are drinks being served at my friend's party?
Passive Present Continuous - Positive

1. Lively music is being played at my neighbour's house.

2. Are the fresh flowers being delivered to the market for sale? Yes, they are.

3. Tables aren't being cleared before the restaurant opening hours.

4. Fireworks are being enjoyed by hundreds of people on this warm summer evening.

5. Old buildings are being demolished to make way for a new shopping mall.

6. Goodie bags are being given out to attendees of the event.

7. Oranges are being juiced to make drinks.

English Learning Tip!

- When practising or reviewing English grammar on your own, you may want to use personal experience in your everyday situation to make your own original sentences...

v. Let's change the following (active) sentences into the Passive Form.

Wine is being served. vs  He is serving wine.
Present Continuous Passive vs Present Continuous

Vocabulary Check!

*suspect (noun) - a person who is believed to have committed a crime, etc

Two *suspects, a man and a woman at an apartment are being watched by detectives from the rooftop of the opposite building.

The following actions (numbers 1-9 ) by the suspects are being observed by the 2 detectives:

1. The man is opening the kitchen door.

- The kitchen door is being opened (by the man).

2.The woman is using a hairdryer.

- A hairdryer is being used (by the woman).

3. The man is making an omelette and a salad.

- An omelette and a salad are being made (by the man).

4. He's also filling up a kettle and putting it to boil.

- A kettle is being filled up and being put to boil (by him).

5. She is doing her makeup and styling her hair.

- Her hair is being styled and her makeup is being done.

6. The man is pouring wine into 2 glasses.

- Wine is being poured into 2 glasses.

7. Suddenly, 2 police officers are kicking the front door open.

- Suddenly, the front door is being kicked open (by 2 police officers).

8. The police officers are arresting the 2 suspects.

- The 2 suspects are being arrested (by the police officers).

9. The officers are leading the suspects to the police car.

- The suspects are being led to the police car.

English Speaking Tip!

- Practise speaking using the short forms - 's / 're not, aren't, isn't, etc. as much as you can. You'll sound more natural.

8. Time for your practice.

Let's Review!

We use the Present Continuous (Passive) for these situations:

- we want to focus on the result - not the person who did the action,

- we do not know who caused the action,

- we do not need to or not necessary to mention the person doing the action.

Exercise (A)

Change the following active sentences into the passive form.

Grammar Point!

i. Present Continuous Form ('be' + verb-ing)

e.g. > A man is feeding ducks in the park.

ii. Present Continuous (Passive) ('be' + being + past participle)

(passive) e.g. > Ducks in the park are being fed by a man.

1. Mum's putting flowers in the vase.

2. The mechanic is servicing my car.

3. The art gallery is holding a Monet exhibition this month.

4. I'm replacing my old washing machine.

5. The gardener is emptying the rubbish bins.

Exercise (B)

Try to change the following verbs into the Past Participle form:











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