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A Day in the Life of Sarah and Tom: Learn Present Continuous Through Stories

Read Interesting Stories to Improve Grammar Skills

In this short story, the Present Continuous Tense is used to describe ongoing actions and future plans, while the dialogues between Sarah and Tom provide insight into their everyday interactions as a couple.


How to Learn Grammar Through Stories

A woman engaged in reading a book
Engage with the stories

-Actively engage with the story.

-Highlight or underline sentences that showcase the grammar points you're studying.

-Take notes on how the grammar is used and try to create similar sentences on your own.

Learn Grammar through Stories - the Present Continuous

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Title: A Day In the Life of Sarah and Tom

Sarah and Tom are a young couple who live in a bustling city. They met at a local café and instantly hit it off.

Now, they enjoy spending time together, exploring the city and getting to know

each other better.

A couple sitting at a park on a sunny afternoon.
A day in the life of Sarah and Tom

One sunny Saturday morning, Sarah calls Tom.

Sarah: "Hey Tom, what are you doing right now?"

Tom: "I'm just getting ready to head out. I'm meeting my friend for brunch. What about you?"

Sarah: "I'm not doing anything special. Do you want to meet up later?"

Tom agrees, and they decide to meet at the park in the afternoon. As Sarah waits for Tom, she notices children playing and couples walking hand in hand.

When Tom arrives, they greet each other with a warm hug.

Tom: "Sorry I'm late. The traffic was crazy!"

Sarah: "No worries. I was just enjoying the sunshine."

They take a leisurely stroll around the park, chatting about their week and sharing stories. Suddenly, Sarah stops and points to a food truck.

An ice cream truck at a park.
An ice cream truck

Sarah: "Look! They're selling ice cream. Do you want some?"

Tom: "Sure, that sounds great!"

They queue up for ice cream cones and continue their walk, enjoying the sweet treat and each other's company.

As the sun begins to set, they find a quiet spot in the park to sit and watch the sunset.

Sarah: "Isn't this beautiful?"

A sunset at the park.
A lovely sunset

Tom: "Yeah, it's perfect. I'm so glad we decided to spend the day together."

Sarah smiles, feeling grateful for moments like these with Tom.

They sit in comfortable silence, taking in the peaceful atmosphere around them.

Eventually, they reluctantly decide to head home as the sky darkens.

Tom: "I had a great time today. Thanks for suggesting we meet up."

Sarah: "Me too. Let's do this again soon."

A beautiful neighbourhood.
Sarah and Tom's neighbourhood

They walk back to their respective

homes, already looking forward to their next together.

(a) Vocabulary List - Words & Meaning

(a) brunch =a late morning meal combining breakfast and lunch

e.g. Sarah and Tom decided to meet up for brunch in the afternoon.

(b) hit it off (with someone) =become friendly with someone instantly

e.g.They met at a local café and instantly hit it off.

(c) queue=to wait in line

e.g. They noticed a queue of people waiting at the ice cream truck.

(d) reluctantly= with hesitation or unwillingness

e.g. Despite being tired, they reluctantly agreed to head home.

(e) bustling=happening or active, full of activity

e.g. The city was bustling with activity on a sunny Saturday.

(f) leisurely= slow and relaxed

e.g. They took a leisurely stroll around the park, enjoying each other's company.

(g) grateful=thankful or appreciative

e.g. Sarah felt grateful for the time spent with Tom.

(h) peaceful=calm and quiet, without disturbance

e.g. The park was so peaceful as they watched the sunset.

(b) Comprehension Questions


Say your answers out loud. Or write it down.

(1) What is the relationship between Sarah and Tom?

(2) Where do Sarah and Tom decide to meet up later in the day?

(3) What activity does Sarah notice happening in the park while she waits for Tom?

(4) Why was Tom late to meet Sarah at the park?

(5) What do Sarah and Tom do together at the park?

A sunny day at the park.
A lovely afternoon at the park

(6) What treat do Sarah and Tom enjoy during their walk in the park?

(7) Where do Sarah and Tom sit to watch the sunset?

(8) How do Sarah and Tom feel about spending the day together?

(9) What do Sarah and Tom plan to do in the future?

(10) How does the story end?

(c) Matching Exercise

Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right.

brunch a. Thankful or appreciative

queue b. Happening or active, full of activity

reluctantly c. To wait in line

bustling d. Slow and relaxed

leisurely e. A late morning meal combining breakfast and lunch

grateful f. Calm and quiet, without disturbance

peaceful g. With hesitation or unwillingness

(d) Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the story.

a. Sarah and Tom decided to meet up for __________ in the afternoon.

b. They noticed a __________ of people waiting at the ice cream truck.

c. Despite being tired, they __________ agreed to head home.

d. The city was __________ with activity on a sunny Saturday.

e. They took a __________ stroll around the park, enjoying each other's company.

f. Sarah felt __________ for the time spent with Tom.

g. The park was so __________ as they watched the sunset.

We hope you enjoyed reading and learning the Present Continuous sentences through the above story.

Thank you & Happy Learning!

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