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Baking Verbs (Imperatives): Recipe - Baked Cinnamon Apple Crisp

Updated: Jul 20

1. Imperative Verbs for Baking & Preparation Methods

13 Baking Verbs - Recipe

Topic Vocabulary
Imperative Verbs for Baking Preparation Methods

1. place

2. preheat

​3. grease

4. toss

5. add ​

6. combine

7. ​pour

8. spread

9. bake


11. remove

12. set

13. serve

(i) Baking Verbs - (Imperative Form) / Meaning = ​put

2.preheat = heat oven before using it

​3. grease = put oil on something

4. toss = shake & mix food pieces with sauce or dressing (e.g. salad)

5. add ​ = put something to increase the amount

6. combine = join together

​7. pour = make something flow out from one container to another

8. spread = arrange things in a thin layer over an area

9. bake = cook in an oven e.g. cake, bread etc.

10. continue = keep doing something

11. remove = take away something from a place

12. set = put

13. serve = provide

Vocabulary Check!

- A recipe is a set of step-by-step instructions for you to follow to make or prepare food.

A typical recipe usually includes these 3 parts:

1. Ingredients - List of foods used in the recipe

2. Directions - Instructions (Imperative Verbs)

3. Suggestions, tips and ideas etc

2. Recipe: Baked Cinnamon Apple Crisp

Preparation time : 20 minutes Cook time : 45-50 minutes Serves : 4-6

Topic Vocabulary - Baking Related
Ingredient List

i. Ingredients: (see picture)

- 6 large apples, cored, peeled, and sliced

- 1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice

- 1/3 cup real maple syrup

- 2 Tbsp 100% apple juice (sugar free)

- 1 tsp ground cinnamon

- ½ tsp ground allspice

- 1½ tsp fresh thyme leaves

- ¼ tsp salt

Vocabulary Check!

-Word (Part of Speech) / Meaning

i. core (verb); cored (adjective) = to remove the core from the apple. *Please note: core can be both a verb and a noun with slightly different meanings.

ii. core (noun) = the hard central part of the apple which contains the seeds.

iii. peel (verb); peeled (adjective) = to remove the skin off

iv. slice(verb); sliced (adjective) = to cut in thin pieces​

ii. Baking TIP! Choose firm apples, such as Granny Smith or Pink Lady (pictured), for this recipe. These varieties will hold up well to the heat of baking without turning to mush.

Vocabulary Check!

-Word (Part of Speech) / Meaning

i. firm (adjective)​ = not soft

ii. hold up (phrasal verb)​= stay in shape

iii. mush (noun)​ = something overly soft e.g. overcooked vegetables

iv. varieties (noun)​ = different types

Nouns, Adjective, Measuring Units - Topic Vocabulary
Topic Vocabulary - Recipe

iii. Topping Ingredients (See Picture)>>>

- 1 cup old-fashioned rolled oats

- 1/3 cup almond flour

- 1/3 cup almonds, sliced

- 1/3 cup honey

- 3 Tbsp unsalted butter, melted

Vocabulary Check!

-Word (Part of Speech) / Meaning

i. unsalted (adjective) - ​with no added salt

ii. melted (adjective) - ​turned soft or liquid

iv. Cooking Weights & Measures Tools & Equipment

Common Abbreviations used in Recipes:

1. Tbsp = tablespoon Tsp = teaspoon

2. Measuring Spoon

3. Measuring Cup

2. Imperative Verbs for Baking & Preparation Methods

Learn new words in their context.
*Place can be both a Verb and a Noun.

i. Directions:

(Note the Imperative Verbs for baking is in blue).

1. Place top oven rack in the centre position and pre-heat oven to 350°F.

2. Grease an 8” x 8” baking dish and set aside.

3. Place apples in a large bowl and toss with fresh lemon juice.

4. Add maple syrup, apple juice, cinnamon, allspice, thyme leaves, and salt. Toss to combine and set aside.

5. Combine topping ingredients in a separate bowl. Stir until oats are thoroughly coated and all ingredients are well combined.

Set aside.

4. Pour apple mixture into prepared baking dish and spread into an even layer.

Spread the topping evenly across the top in a uniform layer, as well.

5. Place into pre-heated oven and bake for 30 minutes.

(If the top layer is nicely browned, cover dish loosely with aluminium foil to prevent over-browning.)

6. Continue baking for another 15-20 minutes or until the apple crisp is nice and bubbling.

7. Remove from oven and set aside to cool for 5-10 minutes.

8. Serve warm with some vanilla bean iced cream or freshly whipped cream, if you wish.


Vocabulary Check!

-Word (Part of Speech) / Meaning

a. evenly (adverb) = to take it away​ in equal amounts

b. bubbling​ (verb) = ​to produce bubbles (you see this when it's boiling)

​c. uniform (adjective) = the same way

d. set aside (phrasal verb) = ​put it away for later use

3. Suggestion - To Serve: (Optional)

- Serve with Vanilla ice cream or freshly whipped cream

Baked Apple Crisp - Recipe

- This simple classic recipe is both gluten & refined sugar-free.

- The use of fresh thyme adds a subtle, savoury note to the sweet flavour of this classic recipe.

-Word (Part of Speech) / Meaning

i. gluten (noun) = protein found in wheat and other grains

ii. refined sugar (noun) = made pure by removing substances from it

iii. gluten-*free = without gluten

iv. refined sugar-*free = without sugar

v. subtle (adjective) = not noticeable, small

vi. savoury (adjective) = salty or spicy taste, not sweet

Check out our Vocabulary & Grammar Guide!

What are Suffixes and Prefixes?

*suffix = letters added to the end of a word (to make a new word) ​

i. gluten-free

ii. refined sugar-free

English Learning Tip!

It's useful to note what part of speech a new word you've just learned is. In English there are many words which are similar in spelling & pronunciation but have different meanings.


1. place (noun) > Meaning = house/home

e.g. > Would you like to come to my place next week for dinner with my family?

2. place (verb) > Meaning = to put

e.g. > Place it somewhere safe.

We hope you enjoyed reading this 'baking verbs' post and found it helpful!

4. Let's Do A Little Recipe Vocabulary Recap!


So, what are you going to do with the new words you've learnt today? Did you note down just the words? Or phrases?

1. Name the 2 suffixes you learn earlier.


2. Which fresh herb is used to add a subtle savoury note to the sweet flavour of this classic recipe?


3. a salty or spicy taste; not sweet

(adjective) - Answer:

4. small and not noticeable

(adjective) - Answer:

Thanks a lot for reading and have fun speaking!

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