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Imperative Verb + Infinitive 'To' Form - Uses & Example Sentences

Updated: Jul 18

1. How to use Imperatives + Infinitive 'to' - Examples

Giving Advice / Instructions / Suggestions

Be sure to be there by 10 am.
Imperative + Infinitive "to" for Advice, Instructions & Suggestions

1. Remember to read the instructions.

2. Don't forget to tell your mum.

3. Try not to worry too much.

4. Try to get enough rest.

5. Make sure to turn the lights off.

6. Remember not to add too much sugar.

7. Be sure to be there by 10 am.

8. Be sure not to call him after dinner.

2. Imperative + Infinitive 'to' - Grammar & Sentence Pattern

How to form

i) (Positive Form) - Verb (basic form) + infinitive 'to'

e.g. Remember to buy bread on your way home.

 ii) (Negative Form) - Do + not + Verb (basic form) + infinitive to

e.g. Do not / Don't forget to empty the bin.

3. With 'always'

e.g. Always remember to turn it off after use.

4. With 'never'

e.g. Never forget to lock the gate.

5. With 'please'

e.g. Please don't forget to tell your mum about it.

Grammar Point!


You can also use the 'Imperative verb + 'to' to give advice, instructions, suggestions.

3. How to use Imperative + Infinitive 'to' for giving instructions

Example Sentence A

- Vanessa left a note with instructions for Mabel before leaving for a business trip:

Dear Mabel,

Please remember to do these 5 things for me:

Be sure to make dinner for Tom.
Imperative Verb + Infinitive "to" - Giving Instructions

1. Make sure to water the plants on the balcony.

2. Try to make sure all areas are kept tidy.

3. Don't forget to take care of the plants in the kitchen as well.

4. Remember to add fertiliser on Sunday.

5. Be sure to make dinner for Tom on Tuesday.

4. How to use Imperative + Infinitive 'to' for giving advice

Example Sentence

Sasha is giving some advice to Dan on the basic care for *succulents. She lives in Singapore where the weather is always hot and humid.

Vocabulary Check!

*succulent =Plants with thick stems and leaves which can store a lot of water in them. e.g cactus

Make sure not to overwater.
Imperative + Infinitive 'to' - Giving Advice

i. Try to keep succulents in the brightest spot in your home e.g. near windows, on the window sill etc.

ii. Please make sure not to water them for more than once a week.

iii. Always remember to water the roots area but not the leaves.

iv. Succulents hate soaking in wet soil. So, remember to keep soil moist but not wet.

v. Don't forget to let the soil dry out completely before you water.

vi. Try to use "growth" LED lights if you are growing them in a dark area of your apartment.

vii. Make sure to let your succulents get enough light. They love it!

5. How to use Imperative + Infinitive 'to' for suggestions - Example Sentence

Christine is giving suggestions to Kate on how to make a smoothie bowl in a jar.

- How to Make a Smoothie Bowl in a Jar

(1) Try to add toppings to the bottom and top of the jar.

Try to add toppings to the bottom of the jar.
Imperatives for Advice / Suggestion

(This way you can easily see the different layers in the smoothie jar.)

(2) Remember to use different types of smoothie mixtures.

(This is a fun way to make your smoothie jar more exciting.)

(Mix and match a few different smoothie recipes.)

(3) Try to make smoothies of different colours: a purple one with berries, pink one with bright dragon fruit, and a green smoothie.

(Create a multi-coloured smoothie jar.)

(4) Always try to find interesting ways to layer the ingredients.

(Add a little smoothie mixture, toppings, more smoothie mixture, and more toppings until you reach the top.)

(5) Don't forget to use a fun jar.

(Make smoothie bowls in jars you really enjoy using. For example, you can use a vintage-style mason jar or a decorative jar.)

(6) Be sure to get as creative as possible. Don't forget to have fun.

(This way you get to eat healthier and enjoy more of these delicious smoothie bowls in jars.)

6. Let's Recap!

We've looked at How to Use Imperative Verb + Infinitive 'to' Sentence for Giving Advice, Instructions & Suggestions :


remember to...

don't forget to ...

always be sure to...

try to...

never forget to...

be sure to ...

try not to ...

make sure to ...

7. It's Your Turn!

How would you use the Imperative Verb + 'to' for advice, instructions & suggestions ?

Let's practise.

a. Advice:

- Your friend is asking for advice. She's been invited to visit her boyfriend's parents for the first time. She feels nervous and wants to make a good impression. What advice can you give her?

Use 'Imperative verb + 'to' for giving your advice:




Vocabulary Check!

UK / US English - Spelling Difference

UK English

- advise (verb)

- advice (noun)

US English

- advice (verb)

- advice (noun)

b. Instructions:

- You are going away for a week's holiday. You want your friend to house-sit for you.

How can your friend keep your house safe?

Give him/her some instructions.

 Be sure to lock all doors before leaving.
Imperative Verb + Infinitive 'to' Sentence Practice

Vocabulary Check!


-house-sit (verb) = to stay in and take care of someone's house while the person is away

-house-sitter (noun)

c. Suggestions:

Your friend's neighbour plays music quite loudly after 10pm. How can your friend enjoy a quiet evening? What do you suggest your friend do?

Use 'Imperative verb' + to' for giving your advice / suggestion:




Thanks a lot for reading! Make sure to give the practice a go by yourself.

Don't forget to take a look at the other Imperative Form Posts down below!


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