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What Are the 7 Types of Past Tenses in English Grammar?

Updated: Feb 13

Master the 7 Past Tenses for Confidently Expressing the Past in English

- We can use these 7 different tenses & forms for talking about past events:

students in an English class

a. Past Simple

b. Past Continuous

c. Present Perfect

d. Present Perfect Continuous

e. Past Perfect Simple

f. Past Perfect Continuous

g. 'used to'

The 7 Types of Past Tenses used in English when discussing the past

Tenses / Example Sentence

1. (Past Simple)

-Bob and Claire had a wonderful time at the beach yesterday.

2. (Past Continuous)

-They were having lunch when it suddenly started to rain.

​3. (Present Perfect​ Simple)

-Claire hasn't done the laundry yet.

4. (Present Perfect Continuous)

-She has been learning English for 2 years.

5. (Past Perfect Simple)

-She was on the way to the shops when she realised she had left her umbrella at home.

6. (Past Perfect Continuous)

-He had been saving money for 10 years before he moved to London.

7. ('Used to'​)

-Kamio's parents used to work long hours at the bakery. Now they are retired.

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Check out the YouTube Video:7 Different Past Tenses In English

3.How to use the 7 Different Past tenses - Grammar Explanation & Rules

i) Uses, Spelling Changes & Example

ii) How to Form the Past Simple verbs

iii) How to use the Past Simple form in a sentence

1) The Past Simple - Uses, Spelling Changes & Example Sentence

a) We use the Past Simple for the following situations:

- for past, completed action,

- for a finished event in the past with exact time expressions,

- for telling stories

b) The Past Simple form

-subject + verb (past simple) + fixed time expression


-It rained last night.

-It didn't rain last night.

-Did it rain? Yes, it did. No, it did not.

-When did it rain?

c) How to form verbs in the Past Simple - Rules & Spelling Changes

Spelling Rules

i) most regular verbs > +'-ed'

e.g. work > worked

ii) verbs ending '-e' > + '-d'

e.g. dine > dined

iii) verbs ending '-y' > drop '-y' + '-ied'

e.g. fry > fried

iv) verbs ending 'vowel - consonant' > add 'consonant' + '-ed'

e.g. tip > tipped

Vocabulary Check!


vowel - a,e,i,o,u

consonant - b,c,d,f,....z

iv) Irregular past forms

e.g. be > was, were

e.g.  sleep > slept

d) How to use the Past Simple tense - Example sentence

1. My grandpa was born in 1930.

2. We were at the dinner party last night.

3. Did you make it on time to the office this morning? Yes, I did. No, I didn't.

4. She didn't say anything about the meeting last evening.

5. Where did she go after lunch yesterday?

For more Grammar Tips - Past Simple Tense forms, examples & exercises

2) Past Continuous - Uses, Spelling Changes & Example Sentences

i) Uses, Spelling Changes & Example

ii) How to Form the Past Continuous verbs

iii) How to Use the Past Continuous form in a sentence

a) We use the Past Continuous for the following situations:

i) an action happening at a time in the past

ii) usually used with the Past Simple to talk about 2 actions in the past

temporary actions & situations in the past

b) The Past Continuous Form

- was / were + present participle (verb -ing)

Children having  breakfast in the kitchen.
Past Continuous Form - was / were+ -ing verb


The children were having breakfast when their grandma called.

c) How to form verbs in the Past Continuous - Rules & Spelling Changes

Spelling Rules

i) most regular verbs > +'-ing'

e.g. work > working

ii) verbs ending '-e' > drop '-e' > + '-ing'

e.g. dine > dining

iii) verbs ending '-ie' > drop '-ie' > + '-y + -ing'

e.g. tie > tying

iv) verbs ending 'vowel - consonant'

e.g. t i p

> add 'consonant' + '-ing'  

t i p > tipping

Vocabulary Check!


vowel - a,e,i,o,u

consonant - b,c,d,f,....z

d) How to use the Past Continuous tense - Example sentence

1.It was raining when I left for work this morning.

2. Tom was running in the park while his wife was in bed.

3. They were partying in the garden when it suddenly rained.

4. We met when we were taking English lessons at British Council.

5. This time last year Mike and Meg were holidaying in Malaysia.

Vocabulary Check!

i) 'holiday' can be both a verb & noun

e.g. My colleague Pat is on holiday for 3 weeks. (noun)

ii) UK / US Difference

(UK) - holiday

(US) - vacation

For more Grammar Tips - Past Continuous Tense, examples & exercises

3) Present Perfect Simple - Uses, Spelling Changes & Example Sentences

i) Uses, Spelling Changes & Example

ii) How to Form the Past Continuous verbs

iii) How to Use the Past Continuous form in a sentence

a) We use the Present Perfect Simple for the following situations:

i. an action in the past (but we do not know exactly when)

ii. a recent past (recently finished action /event) iii. a time from the past until now (experience)

b) Present Perfect Simple Form

- has / have + past participle

e.g. We have been to South America before.

c) How to form verbs in the Present Perfect Simple - Rules & Spelling Changes

The Past Participle

Spelling Rules

i) Regular Past Participles > +'-ed' to base form of verb

e.g. work > worked

ii) Irregular Past Participles

There are many irregular Past Participles in English.


be > been

take > taken

buy > bought

d) How to use the Present Perfect Simple - Example sentence

1.Jen has not eaten at that restaurant before.

2.We have never been to the flea market.

3.Have you ever worked with that marketing team before?

4. Where have you been lately?

5. Mum hasn't invited the party guests yet.

e) Present Perfect Simple vs Past Simple Difference

-(Present Perfect Simple)

e.g. Have you seen my keys? I can't find them anywhere.

-(Past Simple)

e.g. Did you take my keys last night? I can't find them anywhere.

Grammar Check!

Note that we use exact time expression with the Past Simple.

e.g. last night, 2 days ago, a few years ago etc.

For more Grammar Tips - Present Perfect Simple Tense, examples & exercises

4) Present Perfect Continuous - Uses, Spelling Changes & Example Sentences

i) Uses, Spelling Changes & Example

ii) How to Form the Present Perfect Continuous verbs

iii) How to Use the Present Perfect Continuous form in a sentence

a) We use the Present Perfect Continuous for the following situations:

i. continuing activity from the recent past, over a period of time till the present moment

b) Present Perfect Continuous Form

-has / have + been + verb-ing (present participle)

a train station in Japan
Present Perfect Continuous


-Greg has been living in Japan for more than 10 years.

-Has he been working there for a long time? Yes, he has. No, he hasn't.

c) How to use the Present Perfect Continuous - Example sentence

1.Jane has been talking to the client for quite a while.

2.We have been singing at the karaoke box since lunchtime.

3. How long have you been practising yoga?

4. What have you been doing all week?

5. Mike hasn't been working for the past month due to his illness.

For more Grammar Tips - Present Perfect Continuous, examples & exercises

5) Past Perfect Simple - Uses, Spelling Changes & Example Sentences

i) Uses, Spelling Changes & Example

ii) How to Form the Past Perfect Simple verbs

iii) How to Use the Past Perfect Simple form in a sentence

a) We use the Past Perfect Simple for the following situations:

-for talking about 2 events that happened in the past:

i) past perfect simple for the event that happened first

ii)past simple for the second event

b) Past Perfect Simple Form

-had + past participle


[Past Perfect] [Past Simple]

I had done the laundry when my husband reached home.

(earlier action) (2nd action)

c) How to use the Past Perfect Simple - Example sentence

1.When Ed arrived at the office the meeting had already started.

2. She was late for the show because she had taken the wrong bus.

3. Ed was so heartbroken. His girlfriend had broken up with him.

4. The bus had already departed before we reached the station.

5. By the time she arrived home her husband had cooked dinner.

For more Past Perfect Simple Tense tips, examples & exercises

6) Past Perfect Continuous - Uses, Spelling Changes & Example Sentences

i) Uses, Spelling Changes & Example

ii) How to Form the Past Perfect Continous verbs

iii) How to Use the Past Perfect Continous form in a sentence

a) We use the Past Perfect Continous for the following situations:

We use the past perfect continous with past simple to talk about an event that was happening before another activity happened.

i. Past Perfect Continuous for the action that was continuing &

ii. Past Simple for the completed action

b) Past Perfect Continuous Form

-had been + verb-ing (present participle)

e.g. She had been cooking all morning when she realised that it was already past lunchtime.

c) How to use the Past Perfect Continuous - Example sentence

1.Mike had been waiting at the station for an hour before the bus arrived.

They had been dating for 5 years.
Past Perfect Continuous

2. By the time Pip and Rex got married, they had been dating for 5 years.

3. We had been learning English for a few years before we moved to London for my dad's work.

4. My neighbour had been looking for her lost pet for hours by the time she told

us about it.

5. My friend had been living in the old flat for 20 years before she bought her new house.

For more Grammar Tips - Past Perfect Continuous examples & exercises

Go to >>Past Perfect Continuous - Uses + Dialogue Sentences

7) 'used to' - Uses, Spelling Changes & Example Sentences

i) Uses, Spelling Changes & Example

ii) How to Form the 'used to' with verbs

iii) How to Use the 'used to' form in a sentence

a) We use 'used to' for the following situations:

i. past habits,

ii. repeated past actions,

iii. a change from past situation and now


b) 'used to'

-'used to' + verb (infinitive)

a woman walking her dog
'used to'

e.g. Joy used to walk her dog every morning, but now her husband does it.

c) How to use 'used to' - Example sentence

1.This area used to be so lively, now it's so quiet after dark.

2. Sara and Kenton used to date for years but now they're seeing other people.

3. Did he use to play tennis at school? Yeah, he did.

4. My son didn't use to like vegetables.

5. Helen used to work in a bank. Now she's a teacher.

For more Grammar Tips -'used to' examples & exercises

Grammar Practice

8. Let's Recap!

We use Past Tenses in 7 different types / ways to talk about the past:

Tenses / Forms

a. Past Simple (for a past completed action)

- e.g. She spent last evening knitting at home.

b. Past Continuous (past - continued action)

(used with the Past Simple - shorter action that interrupt the 1st action)

-e.g. Mum was chatting to her neighbour when I called her.

c. Present Perfect (past action with no exact time it happened)

-e.g. We've been to this cafe many times before.

d. Present Perfect Continuous (past action continuing to present)

-e.g. I've been working on this painting for the past 3 months.

e. Past Perfect Simple (earlier past action)

-e.g.When I reached the station, the first train had already left.

f. Past Perfect Continuous (earlier past continued action)

-e.g. By the time we reached the hotel, we had been walking for the past 2 hours.

g. used to (past situation which is now changed)

-e.g. There used to be a cafe at the corner of this street. Now, it's a supermarket.

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