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Grammar: Superlative Adjectives - Explanation, Rules & Examples

Updated: Jan 14

1. What are Superlative Adjectives?

We use Superlative adjectives for comparing 3 or more 'things' (in the same group):

e.g. adjectives comparing age, features, quality, size, etc

Superlative Adjectives Example Sentence

Tony is 10 years older  than Pat.
Superlative - to compare 3 or more things

1. My grandma makes the best apple pie.

2. I have 3 kids. The oldest is 17 and the youngest is 10.

3. Walking is the fastest way to get to the shops.

4. This is the most exciting book I've ever read.

5. That is the least comfortable chair in the office lobby.

2. How to form & use the Superlative Adjectives - Rules & Examples

a) We use the Superlative to compare several things (more than 2) in the same group.

b) We change the Adjective to the Superlative form.

c) Look out for some rules, spelling changes and exceptions for the following:

i. short adjectives

ii. long adjectives

iii. irregular adjectives

iv. 2 syllable adjectives with 2 forms

v. modifiers for making weak or strong comparison

How to change Adjective to Superlative form:

i. Superlative with 'short adjective' (1-syllable)

This clothing shop is the cheapest.
Superlative adjective - cheap > the cheapest

Vocabulary Check!

1. Meaning: syllable = sound/beat

e.g. chair (1 syllable) , table (2 syllable)

a) (short) adjective

- add '- est'

e.g. cheap > the cheapest

Example Sentence

- This brand is the cheapest in the shop.

Adjective Comparative Superlative

loud louder the loudest

strong stronger the strongest

warm warmer the warmest

Example Sentence

1. Clara screamed the loudest on the rollercoaster ride.

2. Reiko is the strongest person in the office.

3. Today's weather is the warmest in days.

b) short adjective ending '-e'

- add '-st'

e.g. nice > the nicest

Adjective Comparative Superlative

brave braver the bravest

safe safe the safest

nice nicer the nicest

Example Sentence

1. James was voted the bravest fire fighter by the local town council.

2. The safest place to hide would be the garden shed.

3. Riku is the nicest boy in my class.

Vocabulary Check!

1. Meaning: vowel = a, e, i, o, u

2. Meaning: consonant = b, c, d, f, ... z

c) 1-syllable adjective ending with > (consonant-vowel-consonant)

e.g. h o t

h (consonant) o (vowel) t (consonant)

h o t

The first day of kindergarten was the saddest.
Superlative Adjective consonant-vowel-consonant e.g. sad > saddest

1. double the final letter >tt

2. add '-est'

e.g. hot > hottest

Example (1-syllable word):

Adjective Comparative Superlative

sad sadder the saddest

slim slimmer the slimmest

thin thinner the thinnest

Example Sentence

1. The last day of kindergarten was the saddest day of my childhood.

2. This laptop is the slimmest in the world.

3. What is the thinnest mobile phone in the world?

d) some adjectives ending '-y'

e.g. cosy

the prettiest fireplace
Superlative Adjective - for words ending in '-y'

1. remove '-y'

2. add '-iest'

e.g. cosy > the cosiest

Spelling Check!

UK / US Spelling Difference

- cosy - (UK)

- cozy - (US)

Example Sentence

- The cosiest part of my granny's house is the fireplace in December.

Example (Adjectives ending '-y'):

Adjective Comparative Superlative

tidy tidier the tidiest

crazy crazier the craziest

easy easier the easiest

Example Sentence

1. My neighbour's garden is the tidiest.

2. As children, we played the craziest pranks on our parents.

3. The dictation was the easiest part of the English test.

e) Irregular Superlatives

This coffee shop serves the best coffee in the neighbourhood.
Irregular Superlatives

(Irregular Adjectives)

Adjective Comparative Superlative

good better the best

bad worse the worst

many more the most

little less the least

Example Sentence:

1. You've got the best roast chicken recipe in the world.

2. Don't listen to Claire. She gives the worst advice.

3. The coffee shop has the most number of customers in the mornings.

4. This is my favourite online shop. Their items are the least expensive.

f) Superlatives with 'long adjectives' - (2,3 or more syllable words)

Vocabulary Check!

- 'least' = opposite of 'most'

i) some 2 syllable adjectives

- add the 'most' or 'least' + adjective

e.g. boring > the most boring

> the least boring

(2 syllable Adjectives)

Adjective Superlative

tiring the most / least tiring

stressful the most / least stressful

famous the most / least famous

Sentence Example

1. All kinds of housework are tiring but cooking meals is the most tiring of all.

2. Who has the least stressful job in our office? Our CEO, the designer or you?

3. Welcome to the most famous chicken rice shop in Singapore!

ii) Some 2 syllable adjectives can be used both ways:

Adjective Comparative Superlative

i. quiet quieter the quietest

ii. quiet more quiet the most quiet

i. friendly friendlier the friendliest

ii. friendly more friendly the most friendly

i. handsome handsomer the handsomest

ii. handsome more handsome the most handsome

Example Sentence

1. The grocery store on this street has the friendliest / the most friendly staff.

2. My class is the quietest / the most quiet.

The shop staff is the most friendly / the friendliest in town.
friendly> the friendliest / the most friendly

3. Josh is the most handsome / the handsomest hairstylist in town.

Grammar Point!

Superlative form using 'the most' for words ending in:

-ful, -less, -ing


i. careful > the most careful

ii. careless > the most careless

iii.caring > the most caring

iii) (3 - 4 syllable adjectives)

- the 'most' or 'least' + adjective

e.g. exciting > the most exciting

> the least exciting

(3 - 4 syllable Adjectives)

Adjective Superlative

exhausting the most / least exhausting

annoying the most / least annoying

popular the most / least popular

Vocabulary Check!

exhausting = making you very tired

annoying = making you feel a little angry

intelligent the most / least intelligent

fascinating the most / least fascinating

complicated the most / least complicated

Vocabulary Check!

complicated = very difficult to understand

Example Sentence

1. Cleaning up is the most exhausting part of hosting parties at home.

2. That's Ritchie, the least annoying boy in class.

3. Our chocolate puff is the most popular item on the menu.

4. The dolphin is probably the most intelligent animal in the ocean.

5. 'The House by the Lake' is one of the most fascinating books I've ever read.

6. A romcom movie plot is usually the least complicated.

Vocabulary Check!

romcom = romantic comedy (short form)

plot = the story of a movie, novel etc.

Check out our post in the link below:

Go to>> -ed & -ing adjectives - How to use

g. Modifiers - Making a stronger or weaker comparison

- We can add a modifier to make the comparison stronger or weaker:

The ferris wheel is by far the most romantic ride in the park.
modifier + Superlative - easily/ by far / one of

Modifiers for Superlatives:

e.g. easily, by far, one of

Look at the example sentences below:

i) Superlative (without modifier)

e.g. The rollercoaster is the most exciting ride at the amusement park.

ii) Superlative (with modifier): easily / by far / one of + the most exciting


a. The rollercoaster is easily the most exciting ride at the amusement park.

b. The rollercoaster is by far the most exciting ride at the amusement park.

c. The rollercoaster is one of the most exciting rides at the amusement park.

Grammar Point!

Superlative - if using modifier 'one of' ... with superlatives the noun takes the plural form:

e.g. 'one of' + the most exciting + rides (plural noun)

Example Sentence

1. These shoes are easily the nicest ones in the store.

2. Yuck, these muffins are by far the worst I've ever eaten.

3. He's one of the most talented actors of his generation.

4. Candy's Coffee is one of the least friendly cafes in this district.

5. Her step-sister is one of the most awful people around.

B. Superlative Adjectives - Conversation Example

Welcome to the most popular tourist spot in the city.
Superlative Adjective - Conversation Example

A local guide is giving a tour of a historic district of Chinatown...

Good morning everybody. Welcome to Chinatown!

We're now standing at one of the most popular sightseeing spots with foreign visitors to our beautiful city.

On your left, you can see the oldest Chinese temple in this area which was built in 1842.

Next to it are rows of shops, cafes and restaurants serving the best local food.

This area also has by far the most number of Michelin starred restaurants.

Whether eating, shopping or sightseeing you can make the most wonderful memories of your trip right here in Chinatown.

We'll be making a stop at the food market to try one of the best local traditional breakfast.

The eggs and toast with local brewed coffee set is easily the most iconic breakfast at this market.

This way please..

3. A Quick recap!

A. How many ways can we change the Adjectives to the Superlative Form?

1. add '-est' to 'short adjective'

2. add '-st' to adjective ending with 'e'

3. spelling changes

- for 1 syllable C-V-C - e.g. flat > the flattest

- some adjective ending '-y'. e.g. pretty > the prettiest

4. add 'the most / the least' before 'long adjective'

5. some 2 syllable adjectives can use both '-est & the 'most / least' form

6. some are 'irregular' adjectives

7. add modifiers 'easily / by far / one of' to make strong or weak comparison

4. Over to You!

Make Superlative sentences with the following prompts:

Think about your life experience.

e.g. In elementary school my classmate had the best handwriting in class.

- your childhood

- elementary school life

- first holiday abroad

- English lessons before and now

- you life now

- future plans

English Learning Tip!

Grammar practice - Make as many sentences as you can. It could be anything, it doesn't have to be real. e.g. think of your friends or celebrities etc. and make sentences about them...

We hope you've enjoyed practising using the Superlatives Adjectives and learning the rules with explanation in many example sentences. Remember to use the Superlatives in your English conversation.

Do check out the links below:

>> Comparative Adjectives: 6 Ways to Use

>> '-ed' '-ing' Adjectives - How to use + Examples

>> Imperative Verbs for Cooking - Recipe

Thanks so much for reading and Happy Speaking!

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