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English Vocabulary: 5 Useful Food Phrases + Example Sentence

Updated: Jan 10

How to learn and improve English Vocabulary for speaking

One way is to make a vocabulary list.

Not just word lists. But useful phrases for your speaking practice. And in your English conversation.

Learn real-world English conversation from food packaging
Read the English labels on food or product packaging.

How to learn and practise English at home or on your own

Your groceries. Look at products with English language packaging.

Or if it's in your own language, you can still practise.

Try to translate what you read into English. Not easy, but a good way to test your speaking skills.


Learn to spot new English words or phrases around you! Posters at subway stations food packaging at supermarkets, online grocery store etc.

Why learn English Vocabulary from real-world food packaging

Let's say you're looking at a pack of instant noodles packaging. Chances are there are some new vocabulary words and phrases to help you describe and talk about:

- ingredients

- flavour

- method of cooking

- taste, etc.


1. a) Take a look at this jar of peanut butter below.

learn English words and phrases from groceries
Make sentences from the words & phrases on this jar label.


- Can you spot any new words or phrases?

- Any idea what they mean?

-How to use them in your English speaking?

2. English Vocabulary - 5 Useful Food Phrases

Read the words and phrases no. 1 to 5 out loud.

*Don't worry about the meaning or pronunciation at this point if you're not sure.

1. Nothing but goodness

2. Super tasty

3. Smooth

4. All natural. no added sugar

5. Just peanuts with a dash of sea salt

3. Spoken Grammar Practice

Now we'll go through the list of words and phrases no. 1 to 5 step-by-step.

1. Nothing but goodness

- we also use 'but' to mean 'except' (used especially when we want to emphasise something)

So, we could also say :

- Nothing except goodness.

Vocabulary / Grammar Check!

-goodness (noun) no plural

-good (adjective)

Look at the 3 following example sentences:

Conversational Phrase: nothing but goodness
Note the different ways we use the phrase "nothing but goodness".

1. *It's nothing but goodness.

2. It's full of goodness.

3. It's good.

> Note:

We're talking about the same peanut butter. In 3 different ways. :-)

*Sentence no.1 has more emphasis.

> goodness (informal use)

we also use "goodness" to express surprise about something.

Speaking Practice 1

Short Dialogue - Two friends meet after so many years...

Say the example sentences out loud:

Whitney: Oh my *goodness! Clara is that you?

Clara: Er...Whitney?

Whitney: How long has it been? 20 years?

Clara: Exactly 21 years since we last saw each other.

Speaking Practice 2

Say the example sentences out loud:

- My best friend eats nothing but junk food.

- She eats nothing except junk food.

- She eats only junk food.

How to do English Speaking Practice on Your Own

Tip 1

Read the example sentences out loud. Repeat a few times.

Tip 2

Try again without looking at the text. Say the sentences out loud.

Speaking Practice 3

Say the example sentences out loud:

-I study nothing but English all day:-)

-I study nothing except English all day.

-I study only English all day.

Learning Tip 1 for better English speaking skills

Your English learning is personal to you. Think about situations in your life. The people you know. Your family and close friends. Or even celebrities and famous people. Talk about them in your conversation practice.

Let's say out loud:

-My husband/sister/brother/friend etc...

-(Something surprising). My goodness/ Goodness...


Personalise it. Make your own sentences with "nothing but..."

#2 Super tasty

- we also use "super" (informal use) to mean "very"

"tasty" : good-tasting

Speaking Practice 1

Vocabulary: tasty (adj.) good taste
What's another English word for "super"?

Say the example sentences out loud:

-Your smoothie looks super tasty!

-My kids are super excited about their school trip.

Say your sentences out loud:

- super...

- tasty...

Learning Tip #2 for better English speaking skills

Practise saying each sentence a few times. Speak into a mirror.

Record it on your mobile phone. Or write down in your notebook.

Vocabulary: smooth (adj.) peanut butter, complexion
How many ways can we use the word "smooth" besides peanut butter? See Example Sentence.

3. smooth

The 2 main types of peanut butter are:

a. smooth

b. chunky - with peanut bits and pieces

Vocabulary Check!

Can you guess other things that we can describe as "chunky" besides peanut butter?

Speaking Practice 4

Say the example sentences out loud:

A: "Which do you prefer? Smooth or chunky peanut butter?"

B: "Oh, I love smooth peanut butter."

Other example uses for smooth, chunky:


- The actress Nicole Kidman has a fair and smooth complexion.

*chunky can also mean: thick and in large pieces


- That K-pop star loves wearing chunky necklaces.

How to practise your English Speaking:

i. Say out the sentences a few times.

ii. Cover the text.


Learning Tip!

Make your own sentences. Personalise it.

Say your sentences out loud.



Phrase 4

- all-natural = ingredients are natural.

- no sugar added = did not add sugar.


- just peanuts with a dash of sea salt = peanuts only with a bit of sea salt.

Speaking Practice 4

Short dialogue - At home in the kitchen

Daughter: "Mmm...This tomato soup is so smooth and super tasty."

Mother: Yeah. It's nothing but goodness.

Daughter: "Oh? why do you say that?"

Mother: "Because it's all-natural. No sugar added. It's just tomatoes with a dash of pepper"

Practise English Conversation!

Personalise it. Make your own sentences. You can talk about other other food e.g. butters, jams etc. drinks or even recipes.

Let's say out loud:

- all-natural. no..... added.

- Just...with a dash of ...

4. Quick Review

Let's recap the conversation phrases you've learned:

1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ but _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2. Super _ _ _ _ _

3. _ _ _ _ _ _

4. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. no _ _ _ _ _ sugar

5. Just peanuts _ _ _ _ _ ____ __ ____

Don't forget to add these 5 useful food phrases to your English Vocabulary notebook & keep practising.

Thanks so much for reading & Happy Speaking!

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